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Spring 2020

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We all rely on our abilities to balance things on a daily basis, though I suspect that most of us give only occasional thought to what we really know about balance, and how we may be able to learn more about “balance” as a result.


Let's explore Balance together, in a hands-on, at-home, way!

The power of communication technologies stems from the fact that they help us to Exchange Information with others. While it is true that modern solutions to communicating over distances often provide capabilities that would not have been available to our ancestors, there is so much more to learn and understand!


Engineering Technology Remote Learning Plan

Pickering Middle School

Mr. Clark

Revised 4/1/20


The resources contained in this site are provided to students as an extension, and in support of, their efforts in Engineering Technology class. The topics include elements that explore various points of view, and interpretations, within the realm of engineering, design, and technology. Whether you are familiar and experienced with these topics, or just beginning your journey, it is my hope that you find something of interest along the way.

Each week throughout the spring term, new content will be introduced, and existing information updated. During this time, I may be presenting new videos, suggesting a variety of activities to try, and posing questions to ponder and investigate.This project is intended to provide options for exploring ideas and concepts that relate to the broad topics of technology and design rather than being a traditional, linear, engineering technology program.

At the heart of all of this is the desire to connect to our environments, whether near or far, while reflecting and creating along the way. 

"Imagination is more important than Knowledge"

    - Albert Einstein

"I was taught that the way of progress was neither swift nor easy."

    - Marie Curie




I suspect that, whether we are aware of it or not, we have all seen "Tyvek" in our travels. A strange word, for sure. Also an important part of many modern construction projects.


This session will begin with a brief look at Tyvek, discuss a few other building materials, then move on to consider a few architectural elements that we come across in our daily lives. 

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Fascinating Fasteners

A hardware device that mechanically joins or affixes two or more objects together. Sound confusing?


How about Screws. Nails. Paper Clips. Staples. Buckles, Zip Ties, Zippers, or Buttons? Most of us interact with some of these on a daily basis, but rarely refer to them as "fasteners". This episode will explore fasteners and their relationship to engineering and design.


Farm to Table

Though some of us grow some of the food we consume, most people in this country eat foods that came to our tables from distant farms, factories, and kitchens.

In this episode we will look at some of what it takes to get from farms near and far, to our tables.

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The resources listed below are provided to students as an extension, and in support of, their efforts in Engineering Technology class. The following topics include elements that explore various points of view, and interpretations, within the realm of engineering.

Traditional Technologies

Much of our work in class involves the application of 21st century tools, particularly computer technology. From time to time, it is helpful to be reminded that there have been technological solutions to challenges and problems for generations, well before computers were in common use. The link below provides a bit of insight into how Wheat Becomes Flour.

Processing Wheat Into Flour

Organizational Tools

No matter what task we need to accomplish, organizers of various types are often useful in helping to clarify and share our thoughts and ideas. The link below leads to a video tutorial that I created to provide an overview of a Mind Mapping application that can be run entirely through a web browser. 

MindMup Tutorial


Sketchup for Web

During the course of each term, students use CAD (Computer Aided Design) tools as part of our design-build program. Our primary tool in this effort is an application called Sketchup. The Students and I use a version of Sketchup that is installed on all of the computers in our Innovation Lab. The link below leads to a free version of Sketchup that runs entirely through a web browser. Though the user interface is a bit different from that which students see in the classroom, the tools and overall capabilities are comparable.

Sketchup for Web


Communication Technology

Computers, cell phones, and the Internet probably come to mind when most of us think of the role of technology in communications. Long before these tools came to be, however, a form of communication that has been vital to the history and evolution of long-distance communications was invented and deployed. The following links lead to an overview of the invention of the Telegraph and Morse Code, and to a fun Morse Code Translator. 

History of Morse Code


Morse Code Interactive Translator



During the course of this term we will be adding Domain-Specific Vocabulary to our Word Wall. I have included a couple of items to get us going. You may add to the wall by clicking on the PLUS sign. Please include Your Name when adding an entry.

**Note that you can open the word wall in a new window by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the wall

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